Safety: Our Highest Priority

At Ligon & Ligon, people are priority one, and employee safety is the most important demonstration of our commitment.  Our award-winning safety program captures each worker during pre-employment and continues actively to shape every activity we do, every day.  We continue to invest in safety – with more than $300,000 spent on PPE in the past five years averaging $6,000 per employee – and our disciplined focus on safety has been rewarded with earning a Workers Compensation Modification Rating among the lowest in the industry and achieving consistent trends in increased productivity and revenue growth.

Pre-Employment Safety

New Employee Safety

Annual Employee Safety Training

Our Dedicated Safety Training Classroom Facility

Excavation Support Standards

Job-Specific Safety Training

Annual incentive bonus for front-line supervisors who succeed in accident prevention and achieving company safety goals

Zero-Tolerance Drug & Alcohol Prevention Program

Robust Infectious Disease/COVID-19 Awareness/PPE Response

Our Commitment 

P.G. & G.C. Ligon

BGE Safety Award